- Get your citizenship ceremony date
About 1 to 2 weeks before the ceremony, we’ll send you a notice with the date, time and location. The ceremony will usually take place within 3 months after your test.
If you’re not available on the day of your ceremony, send us a message to explain why and get a new date. If you don’t give an explanation or your explanation isn’t reasonable, we may stop processing your application and not grant you citizenship. You can either:
. email or write to the office that sent you the notice (within 30 days of the appointment) or
. use the online web form
Generally, once we receive your message, we’ll schedule your ceremony on a different day. We’ll let you know by email if you gave us your email address or letter mail if we don’t have your email address.
- Language of your ceremony
Your notice tells you if your ceremony will be mostly in English, mostly in French, or bilingual. If you want to attend a bilingual ceremony, contact the office that sent you the notice.