If you do not pass the written test, but you meet the other criteria for citizenship, we will schedule you for a second test. This second test will usually take place 4-8 weeks after your first test, but the delay may be longer. If you are not available to take the test on that date, you must let us know.
If you do not pass the second test, we will send you a notice telling you to appear for a hearing with a citizenship officer. During this hearing, the citizenship officer may assess whether you meet all the requirements for citizenship. During an oral interview, the citizenship officer may:
- test your knowledge of Canada and the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship;
- ask questions about your residency in Canada; and/or
- assess if you have adequate knowledge of English or French.
انضم معنا للصفحة الرئيسية للتحضير لاختبار للجنسية الكندية عبر الرابط التالي:
If you are asked to attend an interview, but applied for citizenship with your family by sending your applications in the same envelope, your application will be processed separately from your family's unless you want them to be processed together.
Government of Canada