- As per the terms and conditions you will agree to when you take the online test, any suspected activity of this nature may be considered a breach of confidentiality and/or fraudulent behaviour. It may result in the refusal of your citizenship application and/or misrepresentation.
▪︎ Test details
Once you are ready to take the test, please click (or copy in your Chrome or Safari browser) the following link, and follow the instructions to begin the sign in process:

- You'll have 30 minutes to complete the test; you won't be able to stop or pause it.
- There are 20 multiple choice questions.
- The test can be answered in either English or French.
- The 30-minute timer will continue if you are disconnected.
- You can reconnect at any time within the 30 minutes.
- If you don’t manually submit, the test will automatically submit after 30 minutes has ended.
- You must be visible at all times in front of your webcam while completing the test.
- You are not permitted to open any other tabs or applications.
- You need to get 15 correct answers to pass the test.
- Your test results will be automaticaliy generated when the online test is submitted.
انضم معنا للصفحة الرئيسية للتحضير لاختبار للجنسية الكندية عبر الرابط التالي